Hello Everyone!

It’s been so long since we did a Let’s talk session. So why not start this week with some interesting & positive talk.

First of all, If you haven’t been part of earlier “Let’s Talk” sessions then you can check it out below links to know more about it.

Let’s come back to today’s let’s talk topic : Praise Yourself

Why To Praise Yourself ?

I know most of us rarely praise or appreciate ourselves. We do expect others to praise & appreciate us but we don’t by ourselves.

When we get praised for something, we get encouraged to work even harder for it. Because we love the feeling of getting appreciated by others.

But why should we depend on others when you can do it for yourself?

Instead of comparing us with others & feel inferior ,start appreciating your efforts for whatever thing you’re working.

Praising Myself

How often do you praise yourself?

I don’t do it. Also I feel awkward when someone praises me for anything. But I know that it’s really important to praise yourself and to appreciate & admire yourself.

So, today I’m going to praise myself here in this post.

For Getting Out of my comfort zone :

If you have been reading my blog from the start then you must be knowing that I used to stay in my comfort zone & never tried doing anything outside of it. Because I was scared of change.

But since this blog has started which is almost 6 months ago , I’ve started to try out new things. I’ve been trying to get out of my comfort zone & try new things.

Like, I have took part in some activities like Acting in a street play ,Playing guitar at a college event , also recently I joined a band made by college friends. Also we performed at a cafe in front of public.

And I consider my blog & all the readers played important role in changing me. So here I would like to thank everyone for all the support & love given to this blog.

So here I’m praising myself for bringing out a change in myself. No matter how small it is, I appreciate my efforts.

I want each one of you who is reading this post to praise themselves in the comment section. Whether it is about a new skill you’ve learned , your better performance at your job/school or even praise your blog progress,etc.

Do not hesitate to do it.

Waiting read comments from all of you 😉

Hello , If anyone wants someone to talk to or wants to suggest me topics to write on then feel free to reach out.

You can contact me here.

Follow me on Instagram:Accidental Blogger

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