I wish we could stop timeeverytime I kissed youwish i could just freeze it and never make it run againto end this moment we have I wish everytime you touched my facewith your both handsI ended up writing poems on… Continue Reading →
Why do we grow up?To miss the times when we were younger? When you saw someone reminiscing their old timesit seemed boringmaybe you still dread at the stories your parents recites to you every other day But what different are… Continue Reading →
Love, it’s a chemical reactionthat comes and goes When I fell for you the first timeI didn’t even know that I didIt just happenedlike a chemical reaction in a lab full of clueless teenagerswearing oversized lab coats But do chemical… Continue Reading →
It’s a cycle I feel like every person that I meetis for a reasonThey teach me something I missed learning from someone who’s no longer a part of methey put me in their shoesmake me realise how they might have… Continue Reading →
Off days makes me feel empty It’s better when you have things to dothey keep you occupiedso you don’t get enough timeto travel back in timevisit those dark nightsembarrassing conversationsand your long lasting, loyal demons Off day feels like a… Continue Reading →
Why do I do what I do?Is there a way I could do it the other way?Why did I do what I did?Was there a way I could’ve done it other way? These questions keep me awakeI don’t know if… Continue Reading →
I’m tired of tryinghow far do i need to runand still end up where I began I wake up everydaywith a hope borrowed froma glorified past i used to live inimitating the old selfthat breathed griefand sweated fire Now there… Continue Reading →
I can’t afford to lose youso I’m losing myself I drop parts of mewhen I walk away from your placeparts that crave being cravedby yours The roads that I walkbreaks apartburying those partsinto the core of this planetso there is… Continue Reading →
When we meetI don’t want it to beA fancy restaurant or noisy cafeI will fail to look inside your soulor hear your heart out Let’s meet somewhere on earthwith limitless sky or an endless Oceanin frontwith you & your words… Continue Reading →
Are we still getting a farewell ? A month ago, I had an ideato finally write about a placewhere I learnt the mostbeyond semicolons & curly bracesbut the place is lockednot sure if I can bid a final goodbyethe way I thought…. Continue Reading →
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