Taj Mahal, Agra

Hello Everyone, I’m back once again !

I’m back for second time in a month. This month I’ve took two long breaks. First one was due to my exams & other was due to my college trip. Second break was so much fun but I missed writing.

Guess what? It’s the last day of 2018 😱. You know that already, anyway.

So let’s end this year with The Memorable trip I just had.

A Trip or A Challenge?

Why would I call a trip as a challenge?

The reason why it was a challenge for me because my best friend was not coming on the trip. So basically I was about to go on trip with a group of people who already had their own group of people (too many groups, i know).

When I got to know that my best friend won’t be there with me on trip , I was worried. Worried about what I’m gonna do on this trip, With whom I’m going to talk , will I be able to make new friends , will I be left alone whole 8 days ,etc, etc. Lot of confusions.

Then I thought that I’ve been writing on my blog about ” Getting Out Of Comfort Zone“, “Trying out new things“, “Opening up with new people” ,etc. So it’s the perfect time to take this situation as a challenge to grow myself out of my comfort zone. And my best friend was my comfort zone so I was already thrown out of my comfort zone.

How did it feel? Awkward.

Awkward Start

Though the journey was not that awkward. I found quiet good friends & we has good time while travelling.

But as the trip officially started my awkwardness creeped in. As I said, everyone already had their own groups so I was still searching for my perfect group by hoping from one group to another.

It was too awkward. No, it’s not that anyone ignored me or anything. They all were so nice to me. It’s just me who takes time to adjust with group of people.

Though the places we visited were so beautiful but I was still battling with my awkwardness.

Found My Group

This trip I’ve been with multiple group of people. Everyone was new for me yet so nice & humble towards me.

On day 3, I finally found a group to which I sticked till end of the trip. I’m so grateful that I spent most of time with those people.

Because these are the people who directly & indirectly encouraged me to open up.

Opening up

” Why don’t you talk ?”

Why are you so quiet?”

The most asked questions to me were these. To which I couldn’t answer at that time but eventually answered by slowly opening myself to everyone.

A very important thing to remember if you wish to be my friend is you’ve to be patient with me. I take time to stop being awkward & start talking.

So , as time passed I started getting involved in group. I talked with new people with my awkwardness. I tried my best to put myself out of my comfort zone & interact as much I can.

Hardest Thing I Did

If you’ve been reading my blog posts from start then you must be knowing that I am bad expressing myself. I panic, I stammer & start shivering sometimes while I’m talking in a big group.

So, on the last night of trip I talked about myself in group of 12 people. It was really hard for me. Before I said first word I had already thought about should I say it or not for so many times.

But finally I started talking & kept talking & talking. I know it wasn’t the best talk or anything. For me it was more than best. It was like the challenge I gave myself at the start of trip was complete & I was proud of myself.

And everyone was happy too. They went from “Why don’t you talk” to “Sumeet is opening up”.

Such a proud moment lol.

Thank You Everyone

For me, This trip was not just about visiting beautiful places or changing from one hotel to another or clicking selfies. It was something so much more than a trip for me. It put me in very uncomfortable situations & at the end I managed to do well in it.

This post is dedicated to each & every person who was part of the trip. From students to teachers, tour guides , I’m thankful to everyone.

Thank you for such a wonderful experience !

Guess what ? This blog is no longer a secret. Though I’m not sure how many will keep reading it regularly😜

Also, I’m not sharing pictures in this post. I’ll do it in upcoming posts & you are going to love them for sure.

Stay tuned.

Last but not least, Happy new year!

How are you celebrating new year? Do let me know in comment section below.

Thank you for reading β™₯️

Hello , If anyone wants someone to talk to or wants to suggest me topics to write on then feel free to reach out.

You can contact me here.

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